Blupichu and T9

17 04 2009

Hey Blupichu, sorry that T9 isn’t letting you have the ISCP. If he doesn’t let you have it then we will declare war on them. If we win, Blupichu gets the ISCP, if T9 wins, he gets to shut it down. Then we will see how succesful T9’s army is after we are finshed with them. Also, I got comments from Fronjo4 and BerryTerry12 saying that I should take vids of our battles. I say… sure! That would be fun to see how we all fighted so we can make improvements and just watch ourselves. if you have any more ideas, just comment. I would be happy to look into what your suggestion is. The channel will probably be coming out on Saturday, April 18, 2009. it will be great. Oh, and in every SNA news video, i will announce the penguin of the day. I have some ideas for the penguin. The penguins name starts with a f and ends in a 4. Who might it be? Cya later guys. And Blupichu plz comment on this post.

-ATm 23 leader and Founder of  SPA Air Force



4 responses

18 04 2009

Oh thanks ATM

18 04 2009

Then you shoukd merge into ISCP

18 04 2009


18 04 2009

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